Sire of open heifers 160-167.
His full sister, BAR JZ VIVIAN 526L, sells as Lot 118.
Seldom do we find a bull that can stamp a look like On Demand and bring his low birth and high growth numbers. Our 52 calves averaged 78 lbs at birth and weaned at a 103 ratio. We used him even more this breeding season. You can see his work in top herds around the country, including owners, Hoffman Ranch.

Dam of lot 118.
Dam of On Demand and a top lifetime producer. Her lineage includes several of our best.
She is now owned by Hoffman Ranch.
Lifetime ratios of BW 96, WW 104, YW 106.

Service sire.
His dam is the rockstar donor 7098 who is creating an absolute buzz in the breed with everything she produces; this is your chance to tie into a dominant cow line. A true herd bull look combined with outstanding data package.

Lots: Bulls 1-23. Bred heifers 101-107.
Open heifer 184.
1 registration sire in 2023 for the breed. Big time growth, length, and carcass. Daughters reported to have beautiful udders.

*New herd sire!*
Locker was our pick from the 2024 Sandhills sale. He is good-footed and
exceptionally docile. Fully pigmented around both eyes and carries a strong
hip. We used him extensively AI, then he cleaned up 60+ head, holding his condition well.
Semen available, $25.

Service sire.
We used Horizon on heifers and were very pleased with the way they were born. His growth for that amount of CED is very good, and by the time they reach a long yearling, they are some of the most appealing in the pen.
His full sister is outstanding from an udder quality, fleshing ability, and mature size standpoint.

Service sire.
A Calving Ease-Phenotype standout. Sleep On 163H offers Calving Ease with strong maternal and end product value in one complete package. Look for SLEEP ON to sire attractive, well-balanced cattle that are conservatively marked, with good capacity and muscle for the calving ease
he offers.

Lots: open heifers 174-178.
We used Insight for his added power, pigment, carcass and udder quality.

Lots: Bulls 35-46. Bred Heifers 139, 150, 151. Open heifer 182.
Our 2022 co-high seller going to Sam Smith. His progeny are big bodied and correct. His birth weight to weaning weight and yearling weight spread is exceptional.

Lots: Bulls 47-50. Bred heifers 132-137.
Vanquish was one of the most sought-after bulls in our 2022 sale going to Gant Polled Herefords. He was the highest post-weaning gainer, and exceptionally docile. All of his dam’s calves have weaned heavier than average.
Semen available.
Co-owned with Gant Polled Herefords.

Lots: Open heifers 179-181.
Gold Rush had a huge spring with sons topping sales along with a dominating performance in the Hereford NRSP at Olsen Ranch.
Siring sound-structured, attractive offspring, he drives data in virtually any mating.

Lots: Bull 58. Bred heifer 138. Open heifer 183.
Buccaneer has proven himself as a top 1% of the breed calving ease sire. His dam ties for oldest cow in our herd at 14 years of age. She has perfect feet and legs. His daughters hold his udder and teat EPDs in the top 1% of the breed, and they produced many yearling bulls in this sale. Semen available through Semex.
Semex page with video.

Lots: Bulls 24-34. Bred Heifers 108-119.
Valor has left his mark in our herd! He sired our 2023 high seller, On Demand, going to Hoffman Ranch and Genex. On Demand was used around the nation this breeding season, including in our herd. The Valor daughters have exceptional udder quality.

Lots: Bulls 59, 60. Bred heifers 120-132, 148-149.
Broadgauge’s dam and Buccaneer’s dam tie for oldest cow in the herd at 14 years. His grandam was here for 15 years. The family has excellent feet and legs. Check out these sons for calving ease and lighter mature cow weights.
Semen available $25.

Lots: Bulls 51-54.
Fabulous comes from a great line of cows that have stayed in the herd for years. He has done a good job of keeping birthweights moderate to low.

Ridge, dark red, goggle-eyed. Used heavily at NJW on cows and heifers. Average BW on first calf crop at NJW was 83 lbs. Average BW on first calf crop at Bar JZ was 77 lbs on 62 head. First daughters calving at NJW have beautiful udders. His dam, 139C an 88X daughter, is a favorite and a top producer.

Broadside highlighted our 2021 sale and was purchased by Schroeder Brothers, NE. His calves inherit the extra depth, and his dam continues to produce heavier than average calves while herself being a lighter than average cow.
Co-owned with Schroeder Brothers.

Bridger has good maternal lines on both sides of his pedigree. Females should offer both udder quality and milking ability. Excellent feet.

We used Majestic for calving ease breeding heifers. His progeny are known for balance and style. Majestic has been one of the most popular sires at Churchill Cattle.

We selected Frontier with nearly 1900 progeny recorded as a high accuracy sire that could deliver low birth weight and exceptional growth.

Pilgrim 433F’s dam is a matriarch in our herd. Her average birth weight on 10 calves is 77 pounds. We use Pilgrim 433F for soundness, calving ease, disposition, and longevity.