These bulls will begin turning 2 years old in May. They have never been fed for maximum growth. As weaned calves we fed them 42 Mcals, then pasture over summer, and 44 Mcals beginning in mid-October.
The resulting breeding bull has the maturity to have already passed a breeding soundness exam and cover more cows or heifers than a yearling. Yet, his weight is significantly lower than early born bulls who have been lounging around a feedlot, giving you more seasons for breeding heifers, and a bull that could top out a lower mature weight, reducing risk of breaking down cows.
Pictures and videos of all bull lots are up!
Click on the animal’s name or picture to open a separate page with larger resolution picture, video, and more information.
All videos are at Vimeo this year, as Youtube did not allow us to remove ads.

Lot 51: OUT

Sires of lots 56-60 can be found on each bull’s page, or our herd sires page.