Hereford Bulls

These bulls will begin turning 2 years old in May. They have never been fed for maximum growth. As weaned calves we fed them 42 Mcals, then pasture over summer, and 44 Mcals beginning in mid-October.
The resulting breeding bull has the maturity to have already passed a breeding soundness exam and cover more cows or heifers than a yearling. Yet, his weight is significantly lower than early born bulls who have been lounging around a feedlot, giving you more seasons for breeding heifers, and a bull that could top out a lower mature weight, reducing risk of breaking down cows.

Pictures of all bull lots are up! Videos of all lots are being added. We switched to Vimeo for video hosting this year, as Youtube did not allow us to remove ads.

Lots 1-23 are sired by SHF HOUSTON D287 H086.

Lots 24-34 are sired by RV VALOR 9444G ET.

Lots 35-47 are sired by BAR JZ INSIGHT 334J.

Lots 48-51 are sired by BAR JZ VANQUISH 329J.

Lot 51: OUT

Lots 52-55 are sired by BAR JZ FABULOUS 207H.

Sires of lots 56-60 can be found on our herd sires page.