Hereford Bred Heifers

The bred heifer offering is nearly half of our replacements. We selected all our final crop of March-April-born heifers in addition to all May-born heifers owned by Don and Peg for this sale. They have been bred and fed with our own replacements. Pregnancy was confirmed by vet ultrasound.
Check out our herd sires page for pictures of sires and service sires.
All pictures and videos are up!

Pictures and videos of all lots are up. Click on the animal’s name or picture to open a separate page with larger resolution picture, video, and more information. All videos are at Vimeo this year, as Youtube did not allow us to remove ads.

Lots 147-153 are commercial heifers that will be sold as a group.
They are safe to S S Brickyard E81 (Angus) on April 8, 2025.
Video is posted at the bottom of this page.

Lots 147-153 are commercial heifers that will be sold as a group.
These 7 heifers are safe to S S Brickyard E81 (Angus) on April 8, 2025.